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Pandorea pandorana
Plant Family
Alternative Common Names
Inland wonga vine, western wonga vine, spearwood

Robust hairless climber, with woody twining branches 2-5m long.
Leaves - opposite, stalked, divided into 5-9 or occasionally 15 leaflets, the leaflets ovate-oblong, 2-7cm long; juvenile leaflets coarsely toothed and smaller.
Flowers - in loose panicles, each flower tubular with 5 broad lobes, 20-30mm long, about 6mm diameter, cream or whitish, spotted inside with dark-red.
Fruit - an oblong woody capsule, 4-7 cm long, splitting longitudinally into 2 valves; seeds flat, winged all round.
Flowering mostly winter-spring.
Indigenous uses - canes apparently used for spear shafts.
Hilly sandstone/quartzite rock outcrops.
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