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Bothriochloa ewartiana

Plant Family


Alternative Common Names

Stout, leafy, long-lived perennial grass, 30-90cm high, forming tussocks to 30cm diameter, thickened at the base by rigid shoots and reduced leaves.

Stems - 6 to 9-noded, erect or bent, smooth, channelled on one side, usually much branched, powdery or shiny the lower nodes sometimes hairy.

Leaves - bluish-green when young, becoming reddish, to 22cm long, 3-6mm wide, usually flat, gradually tapered to a fine point, hairless except for a sprinkling of long fine hairs at the junction with the stem.

Flowerhead - greenish or purplish, rather dense, consisting of 4-12 “spikes” borne on a common 3 to 6-noded axis to 4cm long at the tip of the stem, the spikes 3.5-7cm long, devoid of spikelets for 2-7 mm at the base, at first clustered and partly enclosed by the uppermost leaves but emerging and spreading at maturity.

Flowering mainly autumn, occasionally spring.


Appears to favour wetter areas such as stream banks, flats, and areas which receive run-on from adjacent areas, on loam and clay loam soils; occasionally on shallow stony soils on hillslopes.


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