Eremophila mitchellii
Plant Family
Alternative Common Names
false sandalwood, bastard sandalwood, sandalbox, rosewood balvory, badha, budtha, native sandalwood, new south wales sandalwood.

Large shrub or small tree 6-10 m tall and is found throughout the region. The foliage is aromatic particularly when burnt. Branchlets hairless, the bark rough, dark-brown to almost blackish, with a rather regular pattern of oblong segments.
Leaves - alternate, hairless, rather sticky, aromatic, bright green, linear-lanceolate, to 60mm long, 1-7mm wide, gradually narrowed at the base, usually with a hooked tip.
Flowers - white or pale-cream, on sticky curved stalks 5-10mm long, borne singly or in groups of 2-3 in the leaf axils, each flower bell-shaped with 5 unequal rounded lobes, 11-18mm long, hairless or sparsely downy outside, bearded in parts inside.
Fruit - almost dry, silky-haired and somewhat pointed drupe, 4-6mm long.
Flowering mainly spring, with a secondary flowering in autumn; an occasional flower may be present at any time of the year.
Indigenous uses - branches used to make brooms; leaves put in laundry tubs to make clothes smell pleasant; the local Kamilaroi people call it badha and the smoke is regarded as sacred; timber used to smoke dwellings after a death; if a person was sad and restless after a death the house was also smoked.
Common in bimble box, white cypress pine, wilga, gidgee and leopardwood communities on sandy loam and clay loam red earths, red brown earths and duplex soils.
2, 5, 6, 27, 29